
Investing involves some degree of risk. Investors should inform themselves of the risks involved before engaging in any investment. I accept no responsiblity for your failures as an investor. Disclosure - Long physical Gold, Silver, and mining companies.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Tsunami is coming.........

Don't by the economic recovery hype. You can not have an economic recovery when job losses are piling up, default rates are accelerating, and the government is spending money like a drunken sailor at a strip club. I warned you 6 months ahead of time on the collapse of the stock market. Some of you listened and some of you didn't. I'm not here to talk about the past, but more about the future. If you want exact dates, you are not gonna get them. I will give you an approximate time frame. I'm usually a few months early. This will give you plenty of time to prepare and get your head of the clouds. I wanted to use another word, but I will keep it clean.

Here's what to expect (probably) in September to November time frame:

1. Massive Unemployment - 30% or more

2. Corporate Bankruptcies - States, Housing, Local municipalities, Banks, and Companies

3. Crisis in the dollar and Treasury Bonds

4. Massive Inflation and then massive deflation

5. Stock Market will be irrelevant

6. Possible food shortage

Upcoming Issue :

Here's the answer to the question nobody wants to give..... What do I do to protect myself?

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