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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

International Forecaster July 2009 (#6) - Gold, Silver, Economy + More By: Bob Chapman

The following are some snippets from the most recent issue of the International Forecaster. For the full 24 page issue, please see subscription information below.



The US Illuminists are gambling big. This is the most dangerous part of their strategy, namely, how to take down America and the dollar without destroying themselves in the process, both financially and politically. They are going to get smoked. Even now the stock, bond and commodities markets are spiraling out of their control, and their new outrageous salaries and bonuses are about to be debauched as they are left holding the bag with huge positions in dollar-denominated paper assets. They will try to dump this paper without sending gold and silver on a moon-shot, but they are doomed to failure. The amounts of paper assets and debt are simply too massive, and the commodities markets and other tangible assets are too small to absorb these gargantuan sums of money and credit without exploding to the upside. Just keep buying gold, silver and their related shares on the dips, and you just can't lose in the long term. The trend is your friend. Gold and silver are trending up, and stocks, bonds and derivatives are trending down - way down!!!

About two months ago our sources informed us that the US government had begun sending large amounts of cash to embassies throughout the world to be exchanged for local currency. We have had a number of reports that this in fact has been the case.

Having been involved in counterintelligence and for some 50 years in economics and finance, I believe this is a precursor to problems centered around the US dollar.

It was just a few months ago that the USDX was 89.5. The USDX is a dollar index, and is computed by using a trade-weighted geometric average of six currencies and their weights are: the euro 57.6%; the Japanese yen 13.6%; the British pound 11.9%; the Canadian dollar 9.1%; the Swedish Korona 4.2% and the Swiss franc 3.6%.

We recommended the sale of the dollar at 89.5. It recently closed at 79.5.

We believe that between now and the end of October that the USDX could fall to 71.18, its former low of 18-months ago. At that time a number of businesses outside the US were refusing to take US dollars and we believe that will happen again, and that is what the Treasury Department is anticipating and the reason for sending the cash to the embassies for conversion to local currencies.

We also believe these events could precipitate a short bank holiday in the US due to disruption of capital flows in and out of the US and concern if not panic in the US banking community. We also believe the government will use such events as a trial run for a future major banking shutdown. They will be interested in the public’s reaction as a precursor to what might happen in the future if there were a major banking shutdown.

Americans are well aware of the Madoff scandal, but procedures used in his conviction leave many unanswered questions.

Conspiracy charges were never brought against Mr. Madoff. We had information we published just prior to the story breaking of what Mr. Madoff had been doing. Our contacts not only gave us the story, but details of how the funds were transferred from NYC to Israel and other offshore locations, such as the Cayman Islands, Belize and Switzerland. There were many wire transfers and also the physical transfer of bearer bonds to these locations.

What was interesting was Mr. Madoff’s association with veteran officers in the US military. That leads us to intelligence sources that have told us that Mr. Madoff was operating his scheme with elements of the CIA, the Russian-Israeli mafia and the Mossad. This would explain Mr. Madoff’s closed trial.

A number of banks were used in the operation. The Israeli Discount Bank, Bank Leumi, Bank of New York, Chase and Citibank’s private banking facility.

There is no question funds were being used by government agencies just as were those of AIG.

For his efforts Mr. Madoff received 150 years in prison, a ludicrous sentence under the circumstances. The nature of his trial was unusual. No media coverage, no attempt to charge any co-conspirators and no effort that we are aware of to recover funds, except for a billion here and a billion there. You don’t run a scheme like this out of your back pocket. Many on Wall Street knew what was going on and scores of others were involved. In the case of following the money all the court has to do is check with the NY Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department, both of which have access to every money wire out of his company and the banks he used. That would be too easy or is the avenue deliberately not being pursued. Then there is the case of the SEC, which knew for years a scam was being perpetrated. They were served up proof positive of a scam and did nothing to stop it. That tells us higher up in government they were told hands off, look the other way. The whole episode stinks, just like BCCI, Iran-Contra and Nugan-Hand, all CIA scam operations.

Mr. Madoff was convicted on 11 criminal charges – none of which included conspiracy. In other words, who assisted you in your criminal acts? Strangely the court had no interest in uncovering who else was involved. Thus far only a few billion dollars have been recovered.

The only reason Mr. Madoff turned himself in and pleaded guilty to all 11 counts of criminal activity was to protect his co-conspirators by not having to testify and government willingly allowed that. Mr. Madoff kept insisting he acted alone. After 28 years on Wall Street we can hardly believe that. None of his family was charged, yet they had to know what was going on.

There are just too many unanswered questions that government and Wall Street have been all too willing to sweep under the rug.


There is absolutely no question that Goldman Sachs is a criminal enterprise and that they have co-opted our government.

We believe that they have been involved in massive unlawful activity using a program that may have been given to them by the government. The program is a major front running device that capitalized in picking up trades by snipping them out in nanoseconds and opportuning the system with a program no one else has. The Street has been and is furious that the media, regulators and our duly elected are not even discussing what could be the second biggest scam and abuse of our times. The biggest is the suppression of gold and silver prices.

Worse yet, few people realize that exchanges actually pay firms to trade against order flow when they act as a “supplementary liquidity provider.” Exchanges pay firms ¼ of a penny if they provide liquidity when an order appears in the system. This is an extra incentive to front run order flows. Can you imagine that this is a policy of the NYSE, led by the pirates at Goldman Sachs?

During the past two weeks, since these revelations, we have heard nothing from the SEC and their course of action. If something is not done nobody in their right mind would want to trade on our markets again.

If there is, as we suspect there is wrongdoing, this scam is bigger than Madoff and Stanford combined. Due to the position that the NYSE allowed Goldman to be placed in, they have a virtual monopoly on the NYSE’s Supplemental Liquidity 2 Provider Program.

It is Nasdaq’s view; these irregularities reveal that the NYSE’s true motivation for these SLP operations is to discriminate among its members and to burden some member’s ability to compete with the NYSE. This is as sinister as it gets.

We spent 28 years on Wall Street and we know that when a firm has an 87.5% trading accuracy record, something unnatural is going on. That is Goldman Sachs followed by JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup.

It was only six months ago Goldman received $10 billion from the US Treasury and relied on government guarantees to issue debt. This, in part, was how such enormous profits were made, up 64% year-on-year. As well, the government, via the Fed, stepped in and had the taxpayers pay $13 billion of AIG debt to Goldman, their part of a $105.4 billion rescue. This program has allowed Goldman to make record profits in the middle of a depression, some $27 billion a year.

As usual the media refuses to dig in and get the story we and a few others have dug up. Nor, as expected, has the SEC done anything.





P. O. Box 510518, Punta Gorda, FL 33951-0518

An international financial, economic, political and social commentary.

Published and Edited by: Bob Chapman


For correspondence to Bob: bob@intforecaster.com

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